10 May Community Disaster Drill to be held at Triangle Park on May 17
On Wednesday, May 17, the hospital will partner with local law enforcement, fire, healthcare, and mental health professionals to conduct a training exercise. The training will begin at Triangle Park in Burns around 9:30 a.m. and end at Harney District Hospital around 12:30 p.m.
The training will simulate an active shooter incident at Triangle Park. Actors will play the roles of the shooter, injured people, and concerned loved ones.
During the first phase of the training, first responders will practice securing the scene and treating and transporting patients. During the second phase of the training, healthcare professionals at the hospital and Family Care clinic will practice caring for injured patients.
Remember, this is just a drill! Signs will be placed around Triangle Park as well as the hospital and clinic to indicate that a training is in progress. Information about the training will be printed in the local newspaper, aired on the local radio station, and posted on the hospital’s social media pages for several days before the training occurs.
Patients will continue to be seen at the hospital and clinic while the training is in progress. Some staff will participate in the training, while others care for real patients. Additional staff will be on site for training. Staff will be present at the hospital and clinic to inform patients and visitors about the training. If a real emergency occurs while the training is in progress, the simulation will end.
This training is an important opportunity for first responders, healthcare staff, and mental health professionals to hone their skills. Although we sincerely hope that the community never sees such an incident occur in real life, it’s essential that staff are prepared to handle worst-case scenarios. This training will allow staff to test their policies and procedures and make any necessary revisions to their plans.
You can help by informing your friends, family, and neighbors that a drill will be held Wednesday, May 17, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Triangle Park and the hospital. You can also help by sharing the hospital’s social media posts about the drill and by avoiding the Triangle Park area while the training is in progress.
To learn more, tune in to Harney County Live (92.7 FM) on Tuesday, May 16, at 8:30 a.m. Safety Officer Perrilyn Wells and Public Information Officer Samantha Yarbrough will be on air to discuss the drill in detail.
Follow Harney District Hospital on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date with news from the hospital.
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