23 May Community Disaster Drill held May 17

On Wednesday, May 17, Harney District Hospital partnered with local law enforcement, fire, healthcare, and mental health professionals to conduct a Community Disaster Drill.
The drill, which began at Triangle Park in Burns, simulated an active shooter incident. Actors played the roles of the shooter, injured people, and concerned loved ones, while first responders practiced securing the scene and treating and transporting patients.
During the second phase of the training, healthcare professionals at the hospital and Family Care clinic practiced caring for injured patients and communicating with concerned loved ones.
This training was an important opportunity for first responders, healthcare staff, and mental health professionals to hone their skills and test the efficacy of established policies and procedures. Although we sincerely hope that the community never sees such an incident occur in real life, it’s essential that staff are prepared to handle worst-case scenarios.
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