12 Dec Weigh-In 2019
Mondays (see dates below):
9 – 10 a.m.
12 – 1 p.m.
5:15 – 6:15 p.m.
Do you always seem to be on a diet? Are you struggling with your weight? Are you ready to change your life? Then Weigh-In 2019 is for you! What is Weigh-In? It is a FREE yearlong program designed for people who are interested in making positive, lifelong lifestyle changes. This program helps participants achieve moderate weight loss by eating well and being active. The goals of the program include:
• Achieving seven percent weight loss from starting weight;
• Getting 150 minutes of physical activity each week;
• Keeping off the weight you lose;
• Providing weekly support for participants.
Here’s what past participants had to say about it:
“I learned to gradually make long-term lifestyle changes — a lot better than doing a short term project and slowly returning to old habits! And I increased water intake.”
“This group has been a great, safe, effective way to get healthier. I knew I wanted to lose weight and eat healthier and be more active. We get a great, enthusiastic coach to keep us on track and getting better at these lifelong skills and ‘live longer’ skills.”
“I love the Weigh-In class because it makes me accountable for my actions. I have lost over 50 pounds and I am so thankful that our community and our hospital has a program like this. This program has literally saved my life.”
“Harney District Hospital offers a great, supportive weight loss program that is free. The program provides education on good nutrition and science-based information that is geared to support participants as they commit to changing their eating habits and increasing their levels of activity. This program is well worth the year-long commitment, and resulted in my personal completion of a New Year’s Resolution! Thanks to Amy Dobson for providing positive help and support during this past year!” –Mike, Class of ’17
Are you ready to change your life?
Program Goals:
-Attend 9 out of 16 Core Classes and 8 out of 14 Post-Core classes.
-Stay within determined fat gram intake daily.
-Work up to at least 150 minutes of activity per week.
-Weight loss of at least 7 percent starting body weight.
Program Incentives:
Attendance at any session = Chance to win $10 gift card (weight loss = additional chance!)!
Attend 9 out of 16 Core Sessions = Chance to win $50 gift card!
Attend 8 out of 14 Post-Core Sessions = Chance to win $100 gift card!
Reach at least 7 percent weight loss goal by Session #32 = Chance to win $250!
Mondays, 12-1 p.m. OR 5:15-6:15 p.m.
Harney District Hospital Board Conference Room (lower level)
January 28: Session 0 – Welcome Session (Orientation & Expectations of Program)
CORE SESSIONS (Attend 9 out of 16)
#1 February 4: Welcome!! Getting Started (Body Composition (BF%))
#2 February 11: Be a Fat & Calorie Detective
#3 February 18: Three Ways to Eat Less Fat & Fewer Calories
#4 February 25: Healthy Eating
#5 March 4: Move Those Muscles
#6 March 11: Being Active- A Way of Life
#7 March 18: Tip the Calorie Balance (BF%)
#8 March 25: Take Charge of What’s Around You
#9 April 1: Problem Solving
#10 April 8: Four Keys to Healthy Eating Out
#11 April 15: Talk Back to Negative Thoughts
#12 April 22: The Slippery Slope of Lifestyle Change
#13 April 29: Jump Start Your Activity Plan (BF%)
#14 May 6: Make Social Cues Work For You
#15 May 13: You Can Manage Stress
#16 May 20: Ways to Stay Motivated
POST CORE SESSIONS (Attend 9 out of 15 )
#17 June 3: Welcome to Post-Core (BF%)
#18 June 17: Food Preparation & Recipe Modification
#19 July 1: Healthy Eating –Taking it One Meal at a Time
#20 July 15: Healthy Eating with Variety & Balance (BF%)
#21 July 29: More Volume, Fewer Calories
#22 August 12: Staying on Top of Physical Activity
#23 August 26: Stepping Up to Physical Activity (BF%)
#24 September 9: Balance Your Thoughts for Long-Term Maintenance
#25 September 23: Preventing Relapse
#26 October 7: Fats- Saturated, Unsaturated & Trans Fat (BF%)
#27 October 21: Heart Health
#28 November 4: Type 2 Diabetes
#29 November 18: Handling Holidays, Vacations & Special Events (BF%)
#30 December 2: Stress & Time Management
#31 December 16: Looking Back & Looking Forward
Debbie Pfeiffer
Posted at 13:49h, 06 JanuaryThis is awesome, thank you so much for setting this up for the community!
Daniele Ruocco
Posted at 10:34h, 19 JanuaryGood morning, I would like to know how we can sign in to this program. Thanks
Steve Howe
Posted at 11:30h, 19 JanuaryHi Daniele! All you have to do is show up for the Welcome Session on Jan. 29. If you have any other questions before then, please feel free to give us a call at 541-573-8318. Thanks!
Douglas Furr
Posted at 08:08h, 30 OctoberThank you for this program.
Leotta Bellamy
Posted at 20:30h, 24 JanuaryI’m really excited to lose some weight in a good way feeling nervous I guess that will go away. Excited to learn how to eat better. Wanting to lose about 80 pounds
Mandy DeCroo
Posted at 13:01h, 29 JanuaryAre the sessions on Monday nights or Tuesday nights? “Schedule” says Mondays from 12-1 or 5:15-6:15 but all the dates look like they are Tuesday nights. Did I miss the Orientation last night??