14 Aug Meet Your Caregivers: Annette Thomas – Medical Assistant, Specialty Care
Annette started at HDH Family Care in 2017 as a Community Health Worker (CHW), but has recently taken on a new position at HDH as a Medical Assistant (MA).
She said that when she first came upon the CHW job posting, she was intrigued and excited to learn about what it entailed. CHWs perform a wide variety of jobs in many different settings. They serve as a bridge between the community and the health care system, connecting people to services they need.
“I love working with people and being able to smooth the way for patients to receive the care or resources they need.”
In particular, she’s been excited to connect EOCCO (Oregon Health Plan) patients to a program called VeggieRX, which provides vouchers to buy fresh and frozen produce at local grocery stores.
Annette is enjoying her new role working as an MA for HDH’s specialty care providers, including Dr. Oliver Wisco (dermatology) and Advanced Nurse Practitioner Brad Mangum (orthopedics).
“This position offers new learning experiences, a great team to work with, and more patient care. Patient care is truly a passion of mine.”
Annette said the things she likes best about living in Harney County are “the warm summer days, the perfect summer evenings, the beautiful sunrises and sunsets, and quiet days spent in our family’s hay field.”
“I love the people and the laid-back pace of life.”
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