19 May Grand Opening Celebration held for Specialty Care Clinic
A grand opening celebration was held Thursday, May 13, to celebrate the launch of the NewSun Energy & Harney District Hospital Specialty Care Clinic. The new clinic was made possible, in part, by a generous donation from NewSun Energy LLC to Harney Hospital Foundation.
Located at 271 N. Egan Ave. in Burns (in the Racine Building), the specialty care clinic offers general surgery, vascular surgery, and Mohs dermatology procedures as well as orthopedic, oncology, cardiology, and nutrition counseling services. The new clinic will also provide space for additional specialty services to be added in the future. You can find the visiting specialist schedule online at: http://harneydh.com/our-providers/visiting-specialists/
Harney District Hospital Chief Executive Officer Dan Grigg said, “Being able to provide that care locally, not only saves our patients time and money, but it is safer for them to not have to make the long trip back and forth to Bend — especially during inclement weather.”
“We are so grateful for the generous donation by Jake Stephens of NewSun Energy,” Grigg added. “His support was vital to our ability to make this endeavor successful.”
The grand opening celebration featured a ribbon-cutting ceremony, facility tours, and a free community luncheon sponsored by NewSun Energy. Sage Country Venue and Rentals cosponsored the event.
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