04 Sep September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
About 1 in 5 (19 percent) children in the United States are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month and provides a chance to learn more about this serious condition. Obesity puts children at a higher risk for developing a variety of chronic health conditions and diseases. While there is no simple solution, there are many ways communities can support children with their journey to good health.
Harney District Hospital is recognizing National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month by reminding the community of the 5-1-1-0 Raising Healthy Kids campaign, now in its third year. A rule for healthy living, the 5-1-1-0 promotes:
- 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day;
- 1 hour or less of screen time per day;
- 1 hour or more of physical activity per day;
- 0 sugar-sweetened beverages per day.
There are lots of things parents can do to help prevent childhood obesity and promote overall good health in kids. Some tips include:
- Cut up and keep fruits and veggies within reach.
- Be a good role model and eat fruits and veggies in front of your children.
- Add veggies to foods you are comfortable making like pizza, pasta, soup, etc.
- Offer alternatives to screens (books, magazines, board games, etc.).
- Establish screen-free zones at home by removing televisions, phones, and other devices from children’s bedrooms and by turning off screens during dinner.
- Choose toys and games that promote physical activity (e.g. balls, hula hoops, jump ropes, etc.).
- Track the level of your physical activity using a pedometer, fitness band, or online tracker.
- Keep water easily accessible by keeping water bottles or a pitcher in the fridge.
- Be a good role model and choose water or milk over sugar-sweetened beverages at mealtimes.
- Read labels and monitor the sugar content in your child’s beverages.
Find more information about obesity and resources related to nutrition and physical activity on the CDC website (https://www.cdc.gov/features/childhoodobesity/index.html), as well as ChooseMyPlate.gov. Follow Harney District Hospital on Facebook to learn more about the 5-1-1-0 and childhood obesity prevention, as well as other important health topics.
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